Beacon Missionary Baptist Church
2170 Hartnell Avenue
Redding CA 96002
(530) 221-7621
Welcome to the web page of Beacon Missionary Baptist Church in Redding, California!
At Beacon MBC you will find friendly, welcoming people who love to serve our Lord and tell people about our Savior, Jesus Christ.
We have Sunday School lessons for various ages and groups; or a family is welcome to stay together in the main Sanctuary for the Sunday School lesson.
Our song service is inspiring and worshipful, including the old hymns and some more contemporary.
The preaching is inspiring, thought provoking and, we pray, life changing. Teaching and preaching is from the King James Bible.
Sunday School: 9:45am
Sunday Morning Service: 10:50am
Sunday Afternoon Service: 1:15pm
Note: Much of the congregation meets in the Fellowship Hall for lunch between Sunday Morning and Sunday Afternoon service. Feel free to bring a lunch and join us!
Wednesday Evening Service: 6:30pm
Here's a brief synopsis of our beliefs, until I get our Doctrinal Statement published on the site.
We believe that God eternally exists as Father, Son and Spirit; God made all that is in 6 days; Satan is a real being who actively works to corrupt God's creation; Through the fall of Adam, sin entered the world and death through sin; Mankind's natural state is sin, natural desire is to sin and man is unable, of himself, to do anything to change that; The result of sin is eternal separation from God and eternal torment in Hell; that God so loved the world that He gave His only begotten son that whosover believeth on Him should not perish, but have everlasting life; Jesus is the Son of God, born of a virgin, and established His church during his ministry here on earth; Jesus lived a sinless life, took the sin of the world on Himself on the cross and died, paying the penalty for the sin of each and every person before, during and after that time who repents toward God and puts their faith in Jesus; Jesus rose from the grave the third day and was seen by many people before ascending back to Heaven; when a person believes in Jesus they are born again into the family of God and cannot be "unborn"; after being born again, the Holy Spirit indwells the believer; after a person is born again they are a candidate for Baptism under the authority of a New Testament Church and membership therein, which is always a local, visible body of believers; the church has two ordinances which are Baptism and the Lord's Supper; Baptism, which is total immersion in water, is not an act that saves a believer but is the believer following the Lord and symbolizing His death, burial and resurrection to new life and is the means for membership in the Lord's Church; the Lord's Supper is limited to the members of the church observing it; the elements of the Lord's Supper remain unleavened bread and the blood of the grape; observance of the Lord's Supper is not an act that saves a believer, but is a rememberance of Jesus dying for us and is looking forward to the day He returns; Jesus will return to earth; all people will one day be judged, believers to reward in Heaven, unbelievers to damnation in Hell; the Bible is the 66 books of the Old and New Testaments and is all the believer needs for faith and practice; the Bible is true, correct and inerrant; the King James Bible is the preserved Word of God for English speaking people.
Beacon MBC was established over 50 years ago, but this web site is brand new in late February 2025. It's going to start out rough so please bear with me as I try to remember things I've forgotten about web publishing. : )